Wednesday 15 November 2017

Post 10

Hello my beautiful people (again finally:c ) Today I go to talk ( for last time) about my blogging experiencie.
For a start I have to say the true is that I hate write in english, because always I have hated english also I find it hard to learn to form sentences. I think in general that this I helped me a lot to learn about to write and leart new words and many things more.
I feel that my skills of writing have avanced considerably, I think that writing one post in the blog help enough for to develop the capacity for to express onesefl or to communicate with other persons and as I side before for to learn to form sentences.
In the future I don't know that I like inclued, because everythind we do in class together with the teacher ow what teaches us helps a los to learnwhtat we need, the fact of occupying a blog to write varied topics helps us to explress ourtselves better and to leanr more words and how to use connectors.
I would write more about topics a little more of everyday life, because some topics that we ave had to write have been a little difficult to say.

Monday 13 November 2017

Post 9

Hello beautiful peopleee:3 (again) Today I'm going, my name is Paola Esperguel and to talk about my favourite artist
The truth is that I don't know who is my favourite artist, because I like many artist and many groups, but among all the artist that I like more is Cevlade. He is one singer of rap chilean famous and the name of he is Wladimir Espinosa, he was born in 1982, he lives in the district of Maipú and he is teacher, writer and producer, and he began to be know in 2003 not only in Chile, also in communication media of España and Latinoamerica.
I like this artist because her lyrics talk about of problems of the life daily or problems in the country, lyrics about matter of interest, although also it must be admitted that some songs are not appropiate for the childens, because this have content explicit.
My favourite song of this artist is a ton etolle that the he sings with another artist named Zita Zoe and I like this song because with the lyric in one moment I felt identified and I dont know why, also the rhythm of this song is very great.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Post 8

Hello beautiful people ,I'm Paola Denisse Esperguel Gutiérrez and today I'm going to talk about my favourite subject and this is Basic Psychological Processes. This subject consists in the health of the mind through the basic psychological needs, for example the need of competition, the need of affiliation, among others.
I have always read the texts of this class because they help me to learn about elementary things of my career and the life in general, besides of that when I finish my career I am going to put in practice this knowledge. The teacher is Juan Wilson and he is very wise about the things that he teaches me.
In class we have to think about the text that we have read and he explains us in depth with examples of the daily life or examples of therapy that they can see when we are working, also we have done works in groups about the text and in summary it is one very interesting class and also this subject serves us to think about our lives and the persons that surround us.

The class of English

Hello my beautiful people, how are you? I’m fine. Today I’m talking about the English class that I have had in the university. For me, the...