Monday 23 April 2018

My favorite food

Hello people, today I'm talking about the best of word, the food (mainly my favorite food). I could talk to them about a lot of food, because I love eating, but in this case them to mention two of my favorite food. For introduce, I will tell you that before I don't like much eat, before I did not eat cheese, ham, beterraga ( I still do not like), sweets, viennese, burgers, among others, even I did not dink sodas or juice. As time (long time) my tastes changed and now as most of the things I didn't like before. Thanks to this I discovered that I love the pizza and I can say it is one of my favorite foods. This is a delight!<3. Other of the my favorite food is the Pastel de Choclo (I like it mainly as my mother prepares it), because I think it's a rich combination of corn, meat and chiken, that can ve accompanied (like the Humita) with tomato or sugar. For my part, I like to try new or exotic foods (same depending on the ingredients a bit). The food is a good companion for all occasion<3 good bye.

Monday 16 April 2018

My future job

Hello<3 How are you?
In this post I'm going to talk about my future job. Is one theme anough difficult, since I study the career of Psychology and this has many options for be able to work in one future. My dreams is to be able work in the PDI, in the speciality of criminology. This passion and love for the criminology born thanks to my mom, since she when sees TV normally place programs or police series (since I have memory), even though when I was a little girld I didn't pay much attention, when I was growing up understand these programs and of what these and my interest in these programs grew. Now, that I study Psychology I can study Legal Psychology (a branch of the career) and see the possibility of to be able to enter the institution of the PDI for I can fulllfil my dreams.
As a second opcion of work ( or a work, rather a hobby) would be salesperson ( nothing to do with what I study), but Why? because I love work in interaction with people, have contact and be able to help ( in any sense).

The best holiday

Hello everyone:3
Today I'm going to talk about my best holiday<3
Good, for me the best holiday I ever had has been rather mini-holidays, one time that with my boyfriend we went to the beach, specifically to the beach El Canelo. We were in this place for two days and one night, we went on a Friday afternoon and in the night ( already installed in the cabin) we went for a walk on the beach, where (for me) it was the best of the ride, because I love the beach of one ( and to my boyfriend also ajjaaj<3) and this combination for me it was the best of world ( since I feel happy, calm, dont worries and the more important loved and comfortable<3). The next day we ate very rich and my boyfriend is bathing in the beach ( althougt it was almost raining) and he almost died of cold xd (epic moment ajsjsja).
This holidays were special for me because it was the first time that come out of Santiago next to he<3

Monday 2 April 2018

The place I would like to visit

I would like to visit Machu Picchu, a place in Peru. I believe that this place is amazing for their building and the landscape, is one beautiful combination of culture and ecology. I would to go backpacking to this place and in the stay I would camp in the any place that have any lake or a place a relax, also I would like with anyone of confidence or funny, for example my boyfriend. This place is a one of the 7 wonder of world and the environment with the nature I believe that is a good place for to connect with the inside and the shore.
Others places that I would like to visit are places in Chile for example national park of Torres del Paine, natural monument Cueva del Milodón, national park Tierra del Fuego, Laguna Colorada, hill Fitz Roy, among other. For my part, I believe that Chile is one country with much attractive natural that you will visit.
Resultado de imagen para machu picchu

The class of English

Hello my beautiful people, how are you? I’m fine. Today I’m talking about the English class that I have had in the university. For me, the...